The seminar welcomed 17 lecturers from Afghanistan, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Senegal, Slovakia, Switzerland and United Kingdom. During 3 days in Bratislava, Slovakia, these experts from international organisations, institutions and non-governmental organisations lectured about:
- Migratory trends and international governance;
- Enhancement of safe and legal pathways for migrants;
- Protection of migrants;
- Empowerment of refugees of the 21st century.
They presented, among other, experiences from the West Africa, Middle East and Afghanistan.
Apart from the day sessions, the programme included also two public evening events.
The 2017 seminar targeted mainly professionals from the Slovak public administration and non-profit sector who deal with or are interested in the topics related to migration of third-country nationals. The seminar for the first time opened up also to participants coming from/nominated by other EMN National Contact Points based in all EU Member States and Norway.
Variety of participants attended the seminar, coming from/representing Slovakia and nine other countries. Among more than 60 participants were representatives of state and public administration, state implementing authorities, intergovernmental organisations, non-profit sector and volunteering initiatives, academia, foreign embassies of both EU and non-EU countries, as well as research institutes and think-tanks.