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10th EMN Educational Seminar on Migration: Demystifying Migration and Harnessing Its Power



EMN Discussion Evening with Theatre Play by Nová scéna Theatre

17 June 2024 at 19.00, Nová scéna Theatre, Živnostenská 1, Bratislava

19.00 / Theatre play ʻDomov, kde je ten tvoj?ʼ (Home, Where is Yours?)        (60 min. without break; Slovak language with paper transcript in English; trailer: here), directed by Svetozár Sprušanský, is a fictional story of two Slovaks who flee their war-torn homeland. The theatre play is based on the book “War, what if it were here?”, by Danish novelist, Janne Teller. The book was published in Denmark (2001), and since then re-adapted to more than 16 country-specific versions. 

“Imagine what if you lose the roof over your head, your mum, your friends. Where would you go? As a 12-year old you and your family flee your country to a peaceful place. Nowhere and nevermore you will feel at home. Always and everywhere you will be only a foreigner. Someone took away your life and totally turned it upside down. Will you learn to live a new life?” 

20.15 / Discussion with Pascal Reyntjens, Chief of International Organization for Migration (IOM) Mission in Chad, one of the world’s poorest countries with one the world’s largest displacement crisis, Lenka Šafránková Pavlíčková, Czech sociologist who was leading projects aimed at integration of foreigners at Brno Municipality, and Michal Candrák and Dávid Hartl, actors playing the main protagonists. Moderated by Valon Halimi, Chief of International Organization for Migration (IOM) Slovakia.

The discussion was in English and interpreted to Slovak language.



EMN Film Screening 

18 June 2024 at 19.00, Kino Film Europe, Štefánikova 25, Bratislava

Screening of the film The Old Oak (2023, 113 min, English with Czech subtitles, trailer: here) directed by Ken Loach, written by Paul Laverty.

The Old Oak is the story of a village in the Northeast of England. Many have left what was once a thriving, proud community which now struggles to keep old values alive. There is growing anger, resentment and a lack of hope, but houses are cheap and available. This makes it an ideal location for Syrian refugees. How will they be received? And what does the future hold for the last remaining pub in the village, The Old Oak?

honouring refugees around the globe

Both public events are to commemorate the World Refugee Day on 20 June 2024

This website is funded by the European Union

Co-funded by the Slovak Ministry of Interior

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